
Of course natural calamities and political tensions may also affect the shipping speed, among other factors So, if you want to deliver urgent packages, air freight may be your choice. But if you have a large consignment, the main concern should be freight cost. The speed may not be an important factor here. 3. Reliability Shipping to international destinations is fairly reliable if done by sea. Cargo ships undergo inspection to confirm that the goods are in condition before departure. Also, most of the transporting vessels are designed to overcome all kinds of adverse weather conditions. In most cases, they will maintain their schedule.我司长期以来与各大船运公司保持良好的合作伙伴关系,在多条航线上拥有优势的价格和丰富的操作经验.为您提供以下服务: 承办国际海运货物的进出口运输业务及揽货,订仓,仓储,中转,国际集装箱运输、集装箱拼装拆箱、报关,报检,保险 、海运拼箱、国际散货/整箱门到门等一条龙运输服务